Tour Suggest
1. King's Bridge
During that time, there was an important bridge that connected the old city of Panama to the trail of mules or Camino Real which was then used to carry the treasures of the New World to Spain. It was built between 1619 and 1634
2 San Jose Convent
The walls of San Jose Church and Convent are still visible and about 110 feet by 59 feet. It has smaller chapels on both sides of the main altar, which was the home of the "Golden Altar". This church belonged to the Agustine Monks. This altar was white washed and more colors painted on, just before Henry Morgan attacked the city. This plan to deceive the pirates worked and the altar was spared. This convent did not burn in the fire of 1671, due to its distance from the main part of town. The altar was moved to the new city of Panamá, into the new San Jose Church
Located North of the Plaza Mayor, it included a convent and a church built on one acre of land. This was run by the Dominican Friars, and was one of the smallest churchs in town. The convent was established in 1571, and the stone structure was constructed after 1590. These structures, were lost during the fire.
4 El Obispado
5 La Catedral
This was the most important church in the city, in the main plaza. Originally constructed of wood in 1535 and reinforced in 1580. The stone structure was started in 1610 and took 16 years to complete.
6 Cabildo Municipal
The Municipal Building was originally built behind the Cathedral. The building was destroyed in 1612 by an earthquake. When it was rebuilt, it was built of masonry, much large and relocated to the Plaza Mayor.
7 Casa de Genovese
Slave Market was built to house thousands of African slave, imported into Panamá to replace in Indians. The native Indians were insufficient in numbers to meet the large demand for labor. Especially for the transportation of the Treasures to the Caribbean and merchandise back across the Isthmus.
8 Casas Reales
9 Jail
The local jail, used to house prisoners. This building was on the seawall, and was heavily damaged by the sea.
The local jail, used to house prisoners. This building was on the seawall, and was heavily damaged by the sea.
10 Kitchen
The main kitchens, used to cook the food for the slaves and garrison. This building was on the seawall, and was heavily damaged by the sea.
11 Matadero
This was the local slaughter house This building was on the seawall, and was heavily damaged by the sea.
12 San Juan de Dios Hospital
Originally called San Sebastian's Hospital, this was built by the government and run by nuns until 1620, when the friars of San Juan, took over. The hospital includes grounds and a church.
13 Convento de San Francisco
13 Convento de San Francisco
This convent was run by the Franciscan friars. The Franciscan's were among the first settlers in Panamá, sometime during the 1520's. They established their convent in 1573. In 1603, they constructed the church and monestary of stone. Most of the friars were killed rendering aid to the wounded, during the pirates attack.
14 Convento de La Merced
This is one of the most beautiful, of the ruins of the city. Francisco Pizarro and his men celebrated mass and had communion, before they started their third (final) expedition to Peru. This convent was used as Henry Morgan's headquarters, in 1671, after they saved it from the flames. The church was also used as a warehouse to store the Pirates booty.
15 Navidad Fort
14 Convento de La Merced
This is one of the most beautiful, of the ruins of the city. Francisco Pizarro and his men celebrated mass and had communion, before they started their third (final) expedition to Peru. This convent was used as Henry Morgan's headquarters, in 1671, after they saved it from the flames. The church was also used as a warehouse to store the Pirates booty.
15 Navidad Fort
This fort protected the western entrance to the city. It was constructed in 1658, and had a garrison of 50 men, 6 cannons and a small gun power deposit. The fort proved inefective against the Pirates.
16 Matadero Bridge
This bridge was also called the "Morgan Bridge" because this was the bridge that Morgan used to gain enterance to the city, in 1671. It was later called the Matadero Bridge, because it was used by the farmers, when they took their livestock to get slaughtered. This bridge is on the road to Cruces and el Castillo de San Lorenzo.
17 Convento de la Compania de Jesus & Church
Built in 1607, this stone structure was destroyed by fire in 1671, during Henry Morgan's attack. It was built by the Jesuits, who were late comers to the city. It probably served has a school, since the Jesuits established the first primary and secondary schools in Panamá
18 Iglesia de la Concepcion
The Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception founded this convent in 1598, and it served as a girls school. First constructed of wood, it was later rebuilt of stone in 1690
16 Matadero Bridge
This bridge was also called the "Morgan Bridge" because this was the bridge that Morgan used to gain enterance to the city, in 1671. It was later called the Matadero Bridge, because it was used by the farmers, when they took their livestock to get slaughtered. This bridge is on the road to Cruces and el Castillo de San Lorenzo.
17 Convento de la Compania de Jesus & Church
Built in 1607, this stone structure was destroyed by fire in 1671, during Henry Morgan's attack. It was built by the Jesuits, who were late comers to the city. It probably served has a school, since the Jesuits established the first primary and secondary schools in Panamá
18 Iglesia de la Concepcion
The Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception founded this convent in 1598, and it served as a girls school. First constructed of wood, it was later rebuilt of stone in 1690
19 Convento de la Concepcion
20 Monasterio de San Cristobal